It aLL started one day at college when we had a two hour break. We were feeling bored and unproductive when it happened...
RacHeL : Hey guys! Look! I have a camera in my bag!
SaRa & aLexa : *exchanges looks of confusion*
RacHeL : Let's camwhore!
SaRa & aLexa : *experiences the ah-ha! moment*
SaRa : Yessssss!
aLexa : Really?
RacHeL & SaRa : Yessssss!
aLexa : ok ok ok. =)
The result .....
MondaY in moRaL sTudiEs..
The Week beFore...
SaRa : I've never put make-up to college before.. =(
aLexa : Really?
RacHeL : I'll bring my make-up set on Monday!!
The result....
my beautiful artwork... so prettyyyyy =)
MonDaY NighT...
RacHeL : What are you wearing to college tomorrow?
aLexa : My white and pink top.
RacHeL : Tomorrow is white and pink day!
aLexa : ok! tell SaRa.
TuesDaY... (can't really tell that it is white and pink. but it is!)
WedneSdaY... (blue daY)
our pretty jeans! and feet.. hehe
FusiOn oF aLL 3 PosesS (aLexa's SpicY)
SaRa : I'm hereeee..
aLexa : There you are.. I was so worried I almost pulled all of my hair out!
ANTM poses
In CS101...
aLexa : yum yum yum. =)
random ppl! cam whore freaks!!!
goodness there're so many pics in just 3 or 4 days!! aaahahahaha!
the results are good haahaa!
ahahahaahahaaha.... i love it!! your blog has pretty girls in it! woohoo.. =p
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