Thursday, November 20, 2008

My Dreams of Becoming A Hobo, Let's Strike That.

As many of you know, i've always wanted to become a hobo in NYC. I kid you not. And you know it! :P

Weeeell, I take it back! And let's pray that it never happens to ANYONE!

I was forced to spend a night in the city with no where to go when it was negative 2 degrees!

Let me fill you in with details..

Ok. It started off with me editing at school, knowing that my call time the next day was at 6.45am.. at Grand Central Station because i had to catch a train upstate.

I wanted to leave at 10pm! I promise. But editing got to addicting! I was in the groove~ Hehehe

Soooo.. edit edit edit.. and before i knew it.. it's 2.30AM!!!!

The things that went through my mind:
  • "WHAT??!"
  • "I feel like curtsying."
  • "Should i go home??" (Mind you, I live 1 hour away from school but with public transportation at that hour, I would have ended up reaching home in 2 hours AND on top of that, I would have to wait for the bus for about an hour in waaay too little clothes for negative 2 degrees windy weather.)
  • "I have too little footage."
  • "Should i just sleep in the school till 6am?"
  • "Need sleep."
  • "My film does not make ANY sense! Gahh!"
  • "Need food."
  • "Mom sent me an email on how to lose fats. I should be worried."
  • "Monkeys. Bananas. Cupcakes."
  • "Let's do a funny dance!"

So ANYWAY.. My friend was in the edit lab as well and we decided to get food. Went outside. Wind blew. Forget it. I'm not going anywhere tonight.

Friend said, "It's too dangerous to not go home now. I'll stay with you till you go to Grand Central!"

Nice friend. Yay! :) :) :)

So we slept on the couch in the couch in the school. The couch was NOT soft.

BUT.. at 5am.. Mike from the edit lab woke us up and was like.. "What are you guys still doing here?! I have to lock up. You have to go."

Something along those lines. I was too sleepy to coomprehend.

So okay.. We walked out into the blistering cold and got to the subway station and friend and i got on the train to go to Grand Central. 1 hr and 45 mins to call time. Great.

So when we got to Grand Central, we decided to sleep on the floor. So we did.

At 5.35am.. a cop woke us up and..

Cop: You guys catching a train?
Us: Yes
Cop: What time?
Us: 7.18am

Then cop walks away. We go back to sleep.

At 5.45 am.. same cop wakes us up..

Cop: People are coming in. You can't sleep here. Get up!

So we woke up. And friend said, "Rachel. I have to go home."

Not wanting to destroy our friendship, I walked friend to train station and said bye and goodnight and thank you and fluffy dreams and all that jazz.

Then, I went back to the center of Grand Central and went back to sleep. Cop walks by a few times, look at the hobo-rific me, shakes head and walks away.

Summary of things that happened next:
  • Got a phone call from asha saying that she was gonna be late. Got frustrated. Snap snap. "Hurry please!" Was a little rude. SORRY ASHA!! :(
  • Got wandering crew members together.
  • Mune says something ridiculous. YELL something no one would ever comprehend. People stopped and stared. VERY EXTREMELY SORRY MUNE!! :( :(
  • Tim made joke. I was not amused. Sorry Tim.
And all that happened waay before 7.30am! Wheee!!

Also wanna say that i didn't sleep the night before either. It was about 60 hours of being awake before i went to sleep. Not pleasant. Not pleasant at all.


So that's it! My adventures in New York! Isn't it fun?

Yeah. No more hobo dreams. WooHoo! :)


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Super Delayed But Must Have Post.

This is a super delayed birthday post. But here i go!


On Dec 18th,


Hope you had a good one! I'm sorry you fell sick! Boo! :(

I think you had fun though, no? *sheepish grin*

Thanks for being such an awesome life-support and always being there for me! I seriously do not know how I would have survived the past year without you!! :P

Korean obsessions = Love.

Stay awesome and I'll see you in Paris!! Woot Woot!!

*pssssst* update me on stuff soon yeah? <3


On Nov 20th,


Sorry i don't have a better picture of you. Hehe. Don't kill me! :P

Thanks for being the awesomest mom in the world and i'm sorry i couldn't do much for your birthday this year! :(

Don't worry, your next one will be kick-ass! Haha

I love you so so so much!! Stay happy and eat some curry in a hurry!! (My brain is not working very well right now. Ha!)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Please let this work. Please please pretty please.

OK. Time to stop procrastinating and get back to reality. Ah! Bittersweet reality. Why oh why do we have to live with you?! =P

On a happy note, I'm very very very thankful that I have really really good friends here who are like family :) :) :) my chinese brethren.. i love theeeeee! hahahaha

Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Mystery.

I was looking through some pictures I took and I started to marvel at God's greatness.

I love how He is so mysterious in that way. Always only revealing bits and pieces of Himself. And when you least expect Him to, He basks us in His glory. In those moments, we just have to stop for a moment and admire His greatness and wonder. I believe that that makes Him smile as much as it makes us smile.

Blue, Purple, Pink & Orange. All at once!

Images like these, never cease to amaze me :)

I love you too =P

I love how He always surprises me and never fails to supersede my image of Him.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thought of the day :)

Honesty is the best policy.

Just thought i'd throw it out there. Ha!

Ok Bye.

Monday, November 10, 2008

I = Sad.

This deserves a post on my blog.

I lost my pink ring today. It's the cutest thing i've ever owned.

I was just looking at it and admiring it while waiting for the bus today. And my hands were freezing cold so i took off the ring and put it in my pocket so that i could put on my gloves.

I think it didn't go into my pocket and just fell on the floor. Boo!

It's no where to be found now. I must have dropped it.

Ohmigosh! I'm so so so upset :(

Sunday, November 09, 2008


It's almost here! It's almost here! It's almost here!

What, you ask?

I can't tell you. But i'm happy as a panda that just got a new bamboo stick because a monkey was playing with it but lost it by getting distracted by a mini cutie sized piggy that was lost because his good looking owner was singing a beautiful song to a beautiful girl and totally forgot about him but just for a milisecond! whee!

I'm THAT happy :) :) :)

You'll find out why in about a month. Ok. Bye!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Rachel Rhymes With Facial!

This is a "nothing-to-do" post.

I'm super tired coz i'm sick. Boo! And.. Fun Fact.. I have to choose between having my whole body ache like mad or cough like a mad monkey. I chose to let my whole body ache. Why? Coz i can't mix the drugs. Gahh!! Was gagging all night from coughing. Stupid.

Still have to go to school to do Producing work for my friend. Oh the joys of filmmaking. Ha!

Ohkay. Enough self-pitying.

I can't wait till my whole class is done shooting!! Ultimate freedom!! Woot Woot!!

All i can think about for the past few months is Mamak food. I kid you not. Roti Telur, Maggi Tom Yam, Susu Panas, Teh Ais & Teh O Ais Limau. That's what i'm gonna order when i get to step foot in a Mamak store. Oh Bliss :) :) :)

Happy thoughts! Happy Thoughts!

Ooh! Time for my dosage of drugs! Oh what fun.


Oh yeahh.. Before I sign out,


I hope you have a really really good one!

I'm so blessed to have known you! Now i can rest assured that my babies have someone to take care of them while i'm wandering on the streets. TeeHee!

I'll see you in Paris? Hahaha

Be good & Take Care!! :) :) :)

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Birthday Happy!

Sara-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra Leong!!

Happy birthday!!

Thanks for bringing so much fun into my life! I love and miss you heaps!

Hope you had a super fun one! And if you had a surprise party, i hope that it is better than the one we gave you! Haha

I can't wait for you to come to NY one day and work in the same industry as me! Heh Heh! Let's see who becomes famous first! Ok?

Have a good one! :) :) :)


Monday, November 03, 2008

Another One. Whee!

Thanks Sarah Tay! :)

Yes. Yet another tag. Love Love Love.


1. Would you marry for money?

2. Have you had braces?
Yes. But Teddy, my puppy, bit my retainers into pieces and i never got new ones. Soooo, my teeth are crooked again :(

3. Could you live without a computer?
Unfortunately and shamefully, no. Hahaha

4. If you could live in a different decade, which would it be?
I really wanna live in Victorian times. But then i would want to be British. Haha. Does that even make sense?

5. Do you drink enough water?
Absolutely not. But i try.. Heh.

6. Do you wear the shoes in the house or take em off?
I HAVE to take them off. Too uncomfortable =P

7. What are you favorite fruits?
This is a tough one. I like ALL fruits except for Jackfruit.


OK. So i was doing this Tag, but my throat hurts so so bad and my nose is runny and i feel like i'm going to die.

Why am i in such a devastating state you ask?

It's coz i was sleeping without a blanket last night coz i couldn't find one in the pig sty of a room we are sleeping in.

SO there. I think i'm just gonna spend the rest of my LAST day in Bermuda lying down and going, "Oh Gawd! Why??!!!" and enjoy my giant bar of Twix :)
