Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Super Delayed But Must Have Post.

This is a super delayed birthday post. But here i go!


On Dec 18th,


Hope you had a good one! I'm sorry you fell sick! Boo! :(

I think you had fun though, no? *sheepish grin*

Thanks for being such an awesome life-support and always being there for me! I seriously do not know how I would have survived the past year without you!! :P

Korean obsessions = Love.

Stay awesome and I'll see you in Paris!! Woot Woot!!

*pssssst* update me on stuff soon yeah? <3


On Nov 20th,


Sorry i don't have a better picture of you. Hehe. Don't kill me! :P

Thanks for being the awesomest mom in the world and i'm sorry i couldn't do much for your birthday this year! :(

Don't worry, your next one will be kick-ass! Haha

I love you so so so much!! Stay happy and eat some curry in a hurry!! (My brain is not working very well right now. Ha!)

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