Thursday, September 11, 2008

I Love Tags!

Yes. As if i don't say it enough. Heh. Thanks Ms Sarah Tay!! Whee!! =)

It's about marriage though. Eek!

1. At what age you wish to marry?
Before 30...?

2. Are you straight?
I would like to think so ;)

3. Do you smoke?
No.. And you can't make me!!! =P

4. What are the things that interest you now?
Ska Dance! "We Got Married", the TV Show.. Awesome Awesome!! (Sarah Tay, you should watch it!! Haha)

5. List out two things that you'd like to do now.
Ska Dance! Watch the latest episode "We Got Married"!! Randomly burst out in song!! Oops! Listed 3 things!

6. How old are you?

7. What is the latest thing you bought with your own money?

8. Do you believe in love at first sight ?
Err.. Do you know who you're asking?! Of course i do!! But then when i get to know the person and he sucks.. I'll get over it! Haha.. It's not really love.. but i do have the urge marry every single good-looking celebrity.

9. Currently into?
Refer to Question 4.

10. Getting married is going to heaven or grave?
Ugh. Heaven i guess. Why would a person want to get married if it's going to the grave. But yeahh.. I guess constant companionship is pretty nice :)

11. How many kids do you want?
2-3 i guess. Adopted maybe. Heh heh.

12. Are you in love?
Can't say that i am.

13. Where is the latest restaurant you have dinner?
Big Daddy's! It's not really a restaurant. More like a diner. But for Malaysian standards, it's a restaurant. heh.

14. Name the latest book you bought?
Visual Story. I think.

15. Do you believe in open book test?
No. What's the point then? But i DO believe in it when i did not study the night before. Heh Heh.

16. Chocolate or Strawberry?
Right now.. Strawberry. Coz i just had an overload of chocolate. Ask me again later, it'll probably be chocolate. =P

17. Name the first person that comes into your mind now.
Alex from Clazziquai. (My ideal husband from "We Got Married")

18. The most exciting place you want to go?
Bora Bora! I'm hoping that if I say it enough, it might actually come true. Hahaha!

19. Which quality is more important in a lover. Looks or personality?

20. What kind of wedding do you want?
A special one. Definitely outdoors! Maybe have some wild animals there, like lions and pandas. And have people juggling fire on the side and eating swords or whatever. And all the guests should be wearing Red and/ or White. And ushering in the guests, are monkeys who will hand everyone a Red Rose.

Hahaha! I totally made that up! >.<>


Ooh that's it for the Tag! Niceee. Need to stop procrastinating and get some work done. Bye!

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