Wednesday, January 21, 2009

One oF Those Days...

You know, it's kinda late. And when it's late, I start thinking more crazy than usual. AND i tend to spell my words wrongly, something that i don't intend to do now but we'll see.

Anyway, i was thinking about how funny God is. Why is it that you never get the things you want but when it comes to things that you don't want, you get an abundance of it?

But i guess i should always keep in mind that God is preparing an opportunity for me and me for the opportunity :) I heard this line in church and it keeps me going even when i don't want to.

On a happy note, I'm planning a much needed vacation to jersey! I hope it works out! The planning has already come across some road bumps but i think that if it's carefully planned out and if there is a car in jersey ready for our use, it will be soooo awesome! I know i just came back FROM vacation.. But I've had more stress these 3 weeks than I've had for a long long time. So i deserve it :P hmph!

Why jersey you ask? Coz it's cheap, close by, and NOT New York :) And i've been hearing too many good things about it and i have to see if it lives up to said standards. Heh heh.

So again, i hope it works out! *cross fingers and close eyes tight tight*

Tonight was RockBand night again :) Played this one song so many times that my arms and fingers started to hurt. I was playing the guitar and we were on World Tour so we had to complete that level. I sang some of the songs and Stan was like, "I think i have to ask you to leave." And Janet was like, "Rachel, you're unreal." But, to be honest, i thought i rocked! Like a rockstarrrrrr :) yeah yeahhh!! *shakes head in crazy ecstasy* :P

OkThatsItFromMe! :)

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