Thursday, April 24, 2008

After One Week oF Shooting

On the 19th of April 2008, a good friend, Rachel Ong Wei Kim, departed from us. She was found dead on her kitchen floor. The murderer is yet to be found.

Boo-Ya! Were you scared?! Hehehehe
I bet not. But isn't it cool?! My crime scene.. Muahahaha!
It's for my First Quarter Film. My story was about a serial killer stalker. Hehe.. Still in the process of editing it. Gahh! I hate editing! >.<
Anywho, this post is gonna be one of those long ones again. You know the drill.. After a loooong week of shooting. There will usually be a looooong post. Hehe..
The pictures are very unorganized but i'll try my best to make sense of it. =P
I'll post by the days. Hehe. Genius.
Day 1
We checked-out our equipment.

Seung and Joon taking care of our equipment. Good boys.
Then i had to take stalker pictures of me for my film. So Joon helped me. I seriously think he's an experienced stalker. He's really good at taking stalker pics. Hehe

Then then, I went to sebastian's house to take stalker pictures of his girlfriend.

Well, my stalker has to stalk more than one girl right?

Being Stalked...

Being stalked...


Hahaha.. That was fun! =P


Day 2

Was supposed to help Sebastian out with his shoot in school but i went to church instead. Does that make me good or bad? Hehe.

Anyway, Hana went to church with me and after that we went to...... Max Brenner!!! It was so damn good.

Pretty Menu

Chocolate Syringes! Can you believe it?! People can get high on those!

The chocolate making machine

Hana and Me!

Omelette that came with chocolate!

Waffles and ice cream and... chocolate!!!

After that, I DID go and help Sebastian out with his shoot. But he was almost done. So i did most of the cleaning up. Hehe


Day 3

There was no shooting on that day. But we met up anyway coz we had to meet our actors in SoHo.

Take a look into Mune's mouth!

Stalker pictures

After that, Sebastian met up with us and we went for dinner in a Japanese restaurant. It was really good. I took pictures of everyone's food. But i'm too lazy to upload them all.

Hmm.. What shall we get?

Tired Seba & Me

Blur Mune & Me

Naughty Seung & Me

Didn't take one with Joon coz he was too far. Hehe.


Day 4

Joon's film.

I was Director of Photography (DP). Again, that is just a fancy name for a cameraman.

I love being a DP but i really doubt my ability in it. =(

I had to carry the camera the whole day and take random shots of Mune (he was Joon's actor because apparently NYFA produces unreliable student actors.. bahh!). Anyway, we got to go to all the famous and tourist-y places in Manhattan. So it was really fun! =)

At Wall Street...

Me, skipping happily to take a picture with Mr. Bull

Mr Bull & Me

At SoHo...

Seung & Joon thinking about the next shot

Sebastian & Me fooling around =P

At Times Square..

The guys with the heavy stuff

Seung with his camera. He was DP as well coz he had his own camera and Joon wanted more angles.

Mune with his sign (it's part of the story)

Me with the NYFA camera

Ahh! I couldn't help it. It's Times Square!

Times Squareeee!

Sebastian had to take over for the tough shots


Day 5

Seung's film.

Seung, Mr Easy-Guy, is always trying to make everything "easy". He shot in Union Square. We made 4 movies so far. 3 out of Seung's 4 movies were shot in Union Square.

His shoot turn out pretty good, besides the fact that.. yes, once again.. a NYFA student canceled on him. So Joon had to act for him.

Director and DP discussing shots.

So i started taking pictures of random things.

Waiting for the train. We had to go to Wall Street for the last scene.

The Actors that DID show up

Joon, the main actor

DP & Director, again

Hehe.. I was gaffer that day so i took a lot of pictures. =)


Day 6

Sebastian's film.

It was such a long and tiring day. But Sebastian's movies are always very abstract and arsty-fartsy. So there is always a lot of work that has to be done and shots that has to be taken from many many many different angles. It's not easy when we only have ONE camera.

Seung, the gaffer, bouncing the light.

Director, DP & Actors.

OK.. Didn't take too many pictures with my camera coz Joon wanted me to take pictures for him. Boo!


Day 7

Rachel's film.

So... I got up bright and early so that i can pick up my actor and crew members from the subway station. It was still early when I got out of the house, so i decided to take the 30 minutes walk from my house to the subway station.

Walk walk walk, I go. When i got there, i was just on time. But no one was there yet so i went to the bakery and got everyone breakfast. Then i waited and i waited and i waited.

40 minutes later, I get a call from Joon & Seung saying that they were gonna be late (i know.. understatement of the year, right?). So they took a taxi to my house and will wait outside my house for me.

Then, 10 minutes later, I see Sebastian running out of the subway station. Finally.

But still have to wait for the actor. So I gave Sebastian his breakfast. After he ate, he had to get water. So he left me waiting.. Then guess what happened?!

My nose started bleeding like mad! Seriously. Blood was just coming out like water and i couldn't stop it. It wasn't even those little drips of blood kind. It was like.. the Red Sea flowing out of my nose.

So i covered my face with my hand. And when Sebastian got back, he thought i was on the phone so he just ignored me. And i was trying to ask him to give me some tissue but i couldn't coz i was like drowning in my blood.

Then, i put out my hand, the one filled with blood. And Sebastian was like, "Whoa! Rachel! Is that fake bloood?!"

Shit. That's what you get for making too many crime scenes.

It was too funny so I had to take a picture in the hype of the moment. Haha

Anywayz, to cut the story short. My actor arrived 10 minutes later. Then we rushed to the cemetery to start shooting.

My crew was good. They really went all the way to get good shots for me. Whee! =)

My actor was really good too! He did all the scenes over and over again just so that we get the perfect shots. And he didn't even stop to rest so that he could get into character. Hahaha

We finally finished shooting in the evening. Late evening. And I took my first relaxed breath of the whole week. It was good.

Me & my crew. The best yet.

Everyone! (Hana was my actress)

Group Picture, Rachel style! HEhe i love it!


Phew! If you finished reading all that.. I commend you. Or you must be really bored! Hehe

Either way.. you're GoOOoooD.

Hehehe.. Look out for my next long post!

My next film: Chekhovian Film.

*edit* I hate blogger. It always messes up my post whenever i post a long one. =(

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Just to set the record straight.. I do NOT eat a lot of fast food here.

There are a lot of famous fast food places here. So.. being the jakun person that i am.. i HAVE to try them all right?

Well, the best best one that i've eaten at more than once (i've only eaten McD's once also) is.... Wendy's!!

They have the BEST burgers and fries! Seriously. And it's pretty cheap i think. But i dunno if the one in Malaysia is expensive. Someone tell me once you get the stats ok? Hehehe

I even eat the pickles! It is so damn good.


The Famous Logo

Delicious Fries!


The next place i went to was... *dum dum dum*... White Castle!

The burgers are really small and cute. It's pretty good. I didn't try the beef one but
the chicken was really good. But the fries are the criss cut(?) type which are pretty not nice to eat.

Not nice fries.

Nice mini burgers.


Ok.. So that's the end of my food review. Hehehe

I'm so jakun. *blush blush*