Monday, April 14, 2008

Why Am I Blogging?

Hmm.. Good question!

Maybe because:-

1. I have a shoot early in the morning tomorrow!
2. I haven't worn my retainers in about 6 months!
3. I have no location to shoot my movie this Thursday!
4. I feel fat!
5. I think i'm having a bad hair month!
6. I long for the smell of roti canai and asam laksa!
7. I wish i am rich!
8. Despite the many reasons why i should not do it.. I can't stop thinking of Max Brenner, the sexy, bald, chocolate man!
9. I wish i had pretty shoes! (if they can tap me to a different world, it would be best)
10. I wish that God would stop controlling my life for once but i'm afraid of what might happen! (so i thank him for controlling it, even if it's quite hard and frustrating)
11. I really don't know!

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