Tuesday, March 10, 2009

7 hours of sleep and 11 oreos later.

Hello! Here I am blogging again!

Haha. Blogging. Isn't that such a funny word?

It's like Snorkeling. Or Boggling. Or Fuhnagaling. But not at all! Hehehe

Ooooh.! There goes my sugar fix for the day.. o.O

*twitch* *twitch*

My friend was talking about intriguing blogs the other day. Uhmm.. I actually read it on hers. Hehe. Yes I'm a dork. So sue me.

And i thought about the few that i read. 3-5 maybe? And i stalk them. Like, i'm always checking for updates (more than twice a day) and then smiling to myself about what they wrote. Haha. I wish i had that kind of wisdom and wit.

Ahhh.. My favorite line.. "Oh how i wish.."

I definitely live my life in my head. I really should stop that. It's like a disease. No. It is not mental illness. *denial*

Haha. And yes. The constantly talking to myself in public needs to stop too :P

What was i saying again?

Ooooh! Time for another oreo! They're soooooo delicious! Yum Yum Yummmmmmm! :) :) :)

"Chew your food before you swallow!"

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