Sunday, March 29, 2009

Back Here Again.

I was just wondering today..

Will anyone really know me?

Do people worry about the same question? Or have most people found that person who knows them and that it's only me who has not?

I want someone to know me so well that that person knows my next move. As unpredictable as i would like to think that i am, i think that if one truly knows me, that person will know.

*I'm saying "know" too many times, the word is starting to not make sense to me. Does that happen to you too? Hehe :P*

When someone knows you, will you finally know yourself?


I used street chalk! And yes, i drew. Not prettily. But i did :)

It was one of the things that i really really wanted to do in NY. Draw on the streets and i did! Hence, Rachel = Happy.

Rachel could be happier though. Why is it so hard for people to be really content?


Gosh. So many questions i wish i had the answer to.

"Did Earth Hour make a difference?"


Yet another emo one. Bear with me. And then give me a teddy bear to hug! Or just a bear hug will do! :P


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